Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I usually don't write personal stuff on this blog but I just have to speak up about this movie, FIREPROOF. If you haven't heard about it, please click on the image to your right and watch the trailer..especially if you are married. My husband and I went to see this last night and I have to say, we both were so moved. It is a Christian based film and deals with all problems that married people face every day and gives you the tools to deal with them. With over half of marriages ending in divorce, I'd say everyone needs to watch it! It sure was a wake up call for me and my husband and we are considering doing The Love Dare workbook together. Even if you think your marriage is perfect and you don't have any issues, it's a great movie to reaffirm your commitment, love and respect for one another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just watched it last night!!! This is a great movie!!! Highly recommend it, not for the acting, but for the message!