Sunday, June 22, 2008

Great weekend!

I feel like I've accomplished so much in the past few's amazing. I'm actually starting to become organized!! It's about time, I know. I organized my linen closet ( was horrible)...who needs that many towels & wash cloths???? It's like I haven't thrown them out for over 10 years..LOL! Anyway, also went through the kids toys and got rid of all infant/broken/too noisy(LOL) toys...which was actually alot and put them all in nice containers/boxes/ there's no excuse for messiness. I also am almost finished with MY area downstairs. HALLELUJAH!!! It's going to be great to be able to have the kids playing while I'm creating a masterpiece...well okay maybe not a masterpiece but pretty darn close!

So, I'm including some cakes I did recently. One was a Strawberry Shortcake for my ex-husbands daughter's birthday..whew..that was enjoyable! LOL

Later chicks!


wolffx5 said...

Send me an email so I have yours. I want to ask you a question.

wolffx5 said...

I guess it would help if I would give it to you. DUH!!