Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Working again!?!

Hello my friends....hope everyone's week is going well! I started my new job on Monday and have to say...I'm still not sure if I love it or hate it??? Maybe it's the fact I haven't worked at a job for almost 4 years or haven't used my "adult" brain for that long...LOL....anyway...the jury is still out whether this is for me or not. Have I changed that much since having two more babies??? Maybe I'm not the career woman I thought I was!?!?! Maybe this isn't the job for me?? Maybe I should just stop asking these questions and just learn the job...lol...

Well, hopefully I haven't completely bored you! I did hear from an old friend today...that was so awesome!! Isn't it funny how life takes over and you can get so caught up that you find no time to stay in touch with your dearest friends? Then you talk and it's like no time had passed....I love that about my friend Sandy. We knew each other as newlyweds (the first time around!), before kids...after my divorce...she knows all my secrets (no telling girlie!) and I know hers! I miss her so much so it was just great to get caught up.

Okay...I guess that's all the boring stuff I have...I miss you guys...praying this weekend will hurry...I'm in need of fun!!!! Later Girlies!!


Summer said...

I hope your days get better at the new job!! Maybe it's just an adjusting period... Hey I was wondering since the ginger bread party is being reschedule do you still want me to get that train cutter to you? Email me when you get a chance!! Hope you are having a better day. How is the babysitter doing?

Steff & the gang!!! said...

WTH!?!? I'm SOOOOO routing for you and your new "phase" of your life!! I understand what you're talkin' about - but hang in there - give it a FAIR amount of time before you make any adjustments.........time will tell!!! How are your KIDS adjusting???

Flair Girl said...

Those excited/anxious/scared feelings are to be expected with such a big change. Steffs right-it needs a fair amount of time before unchanging it.

My dad has a studio and I've been taking a lot of pictures. We're even doing some families for the holidays. I'd be glad to do some for you if you'd like. Then you wont have to look back and wish you'd had this or that one. (I am refering to the comment you left on my blog). LMK...

Glad your nose is healing. Hope everyone is healthy and able to progress well!


doggiemom said...

Okay I am going to try to send this again today. I hope your days are getting along better with the job. Not to mention the kids and hubby. Hopefully they are getting adjusted to you and the new job routine too. Everyone is right though, just try to give it some time and it will get better.

Let me know when you can have girls over to play and scrapbook. LOL Can't wait to see everyone.