Monday, November 5, 2007

I've decided.... not take the job! I've made myself sick over this..worrying, stressing, trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do and I'm done. I went to daycare centers today trying to see if I could psych myself up to accepting the job, putting my kids in daycare for 40hrs a week...and I just can't do it. I envy Mom's that can...I'm just not one of them. Leaving them with family is hard enough but leaving them with complete strangers..well it just isn't me. If it were just my daughter, I'd do it because she's preschool age and I know it's good for them at that age...but my son isn't...he's just too little in my eyes. I don't want him in daycare until he goes to kindergarten!

So, anyway...I went to the doctor today about that spot on my nose and it is a form of skin cancer. He wants me to go see another doctor to have it diopsy'd (is that how you spell that??) and go from I'll keep you posted.


Steff & the gang!!! said...

JODIE - I've been thinking of you ALOT and praying for you as well. I'm so sooooo sorry to hear about your nose.......please keep us posted as to what the dr.'s say next. ALSO - I KNOW how bad you wanted this job.....just know that GOD will NOT give you ANY MORE than you can handle - and he'll take care of you WHEN the time is RIGHT!!!! Keep us posted!! See you this weekend!

Summer said...

I am sorry to hear you decided not to take the job. It is such a hard decision to make especially with kiddos in the mix. Good Luck with the Dr. appointment. Keep me posted!

doggiemom said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the doctor's appointment. It will all turn out good in the end. You just wait and see. I'm sure all of your friends are thinking about you.
About the least you proved to yourself that you can still get out there and compete with others that have been our there all along. Maybe just wait a while for that little one to grow a bit and try again.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Godd luck :)

Living Life to the Fullest said...

Well I think you would have been awesome at the job but I understand why you could not take it. I am still proud of you, you are the one person I can look up too. You have become alittle soft since you started staying home with the kids but I think that is only to be expected. You still have the drive and toughness to survive in the world of grownups you just have to find it. I know that when the time comes you will find another great job.
Let me know how the think with the doctor goes. Love Ya!!